Anyone who was up before 8am today will know just how bloomin' cold & frosty it was.
There was also an ethereal mist hanging over us. But then the sun began to rise.
It was obviously going to be a rather splendid morning.
The last time I actually stood and watched a sunrise I was up a mountain, and you can't beat that, but this was pretty spectacular too.
Enjoy your sunny Monday. Blanket Exhibition photos to follow soon!
Chilly Indeed. I was up this morning before sunrise, it was colder than a cold thing from coldville, and I know cold. My hands were freezing to my axe (chopper) as I chopped kindling for my woodburner (working from home at pc). However it was beautiful to watch the valley emerge from the mist as the sun rose. Still Monday tho.
Posted by: Emily Kemp | 25/10/2010 at 12:33 PM