When we started Knit & Natter about 10 months ago, it was a fairly quiet fortnightly event. Oh! how things have changed! The popularity of knitting & crochet combined with the camaraderie of sharing a passion (or even just a little hobby!) with like minded women is a huge draw and we are now a twice weekly group (Tuesdays - still very busy and Thursdays - room for a few more) who really look forward to our gatherings and a chance to catch up on our projects alongside having a really good laugh.
Gallons of tea are drunk and home grown vegs is swapped.
One member is doing very well with her extreme knitting using the pair of cucumbers technique - hurry up and finish Em before they start to rot!!
And we do have our 'wow' moments, when ladies bring in their finished project, like this very pretty crochet bag that Sue had done,
Lining it with pretty spotted cotton, which complimented it beautifully.
If you fancy joining us, just pop along on Thursday evening 7.30pm - you'll be very welcome.
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