A a hay fever sufferer I can honestly say that the months of May & June have been a bit of a struggle. But there is an annual up side. Every year we become hunter gatherers and collect Elderflower heads to make our own cordial. It is dead easy & delicious. So if you've never tried it before here is my Jamie Oliver style slap dash recipe - guaranteed to have you wanting more.
I should point out that I made double the quantity I am giving you because we have a lot of thirsty teenagers passing through! but the quantity I have given you will make approx 2 litres.
Send out a willing child to collect 15 large Elderflower heads.
In a large pan dissolve 3lbs granulated sugar in 3 pints of water over a medium heat.
Let the liquid cool & add 2 tablespoon white wine vinegar & 2 oz Citric acid (available from chemists) Stir to dissolve.
Cut up 2 lemons (I made double this quantity so that's why I've 4!)
Put unwashed flowers and lemons into large clean bowl or bucket
Pour the sugar/water syrup over them. Cover loosely and leave for 24 hours.
Remove the flower heads & lemons (I used mine for pancakes which had a lovely elderflower & lemon taste).
Strain the liquid through a jelly bag or piece of muslin (a pair of tights at a push) into a large jug.
Bottle and enjoy! Keep refrigerated.
Incidentally the rather lovely bottle contained Samford Courteney Cider, which we can also recommend!
Thanks for the elder flowers Katrina, i have now made 3 lovely bottles of cordial.
Posted by: sue | 08/07/2010 at 07:03 PM